Great country?

TV5 is a French language channel that broadcasts shows from different countries. Tonight I watched a show done in France about Canada. The title translates loosely to " Why is Canada a dream country?". The idea explored is that the French seem to have a very positive view of our country. So a team of reporters came here to analyse many aspects from Alberta’s oil to the Bloc Quebecois.

It was very interesting to see their point of view. They basically praised the Chretien/Martin tandem for turning around the debt/deficit outlook, something that France is still struggling with. They also showed the oil sands benefits and problems and, of course, discussed Quebec’s separatists.

Later on, a French senator and former prime minister of France, who had an affinity for Canada after more than 15 visits, was interviewed an he said that Canadians and their governments were financially courageous and that our approach consisted of consultation and consensus as opposed to confrontation.

In the end, the problems they saw were linked to the erosion of the health care system but the economic benefits and the freedom of citizens to change their lives were very strong positive aspects.

It made me think that even with the problems we have, our canadian society is still a good place to live.

I would love to see the same kind of show done by the BBC, or the Germans for example to see how we are viewed in these countries.

I couldn’t agree more BT I think we are all very fortunate and sometimes take a lot for granted, I also love seeing shows like this. It is always interesting to see ourselves in a different and more international perspective for sure. ALthough not being bilingual I’d have to see the english version.
I was a bit shocked recently watching the news of the labour protest going on in France currently in response to the passing of what on the surface seems like a very oppressive and archaic law allowing employers the right to fire anyone under the age of 26 within the first two years of employment without giving any reason or justification, haven’t researched it much yet, but this is what they were saying on the news. Sounds like the French could stand to learn more from us perhaps, and would do well to move forward instead of backward in terms of social justice.

[quote=“chaos”]I couldn’t agree more BT I think we are all very fortunate and sometimes take a lot for granted, I also love seeing shows like this. It is always interesting to see ourselves in a different and more international perspective for sure. ALthough not being bilingual I’d have to see the english version.
I was a bit shocked recently watching the news of the labour protest going on in France currently in response to the passing of what on the surface seems like a very oppressive and archaic law allowing employers the right to fire anyone under the age of 26 within the first two years of employment without giving any reason or justification, haven’t researched it much yet, but this is what they were saying on the news. Sounds like the French could stand to learn more from us perhaps, and would do well to move forward instead of backward in terms of social justice.[/quote]

Actually, the law isn’t that draconian.

Currently, after six months, employers cannot fire youth workers without cause, but, even if they have cause and the employee takes them to court, the employer is very likely to lose the case, even if they’re right. Employers then often have to pay a year’s salary to someone who no longer works for them.

The main reason why French youth unemployment is so high is the highly rigid labor market, with almost nonexistent labor mobility. What the French government is trying to do by passing this law is to give employers an incentive to hire people they otherwise may not hire.

I’m not saying the law is right but the government does have some reasoning behind it.

Speaking of the French!

Those jokes were great 3 years ago. Now that it looks like the USA is going to be defeated in Iraq like they were in Vietnam, the French jokes aren’t so funny.

LMFAO!!! :laughing:
Should put a Quebec Flag there too. :smiley:

Defeated? wait you mean the “war on terror” cant be won blasphemy!

MiG is propogating Liberal revisionism. The truth is the is that only ‘lost’ in Vietnam because they were betrayed at home by leftist traitors who prevented them from overrunning Hanoi, Laos and Cambodia.
If they truly ‘supported the troops’ and let them start WW3 they would have WON. In Vietnam at least…
That is why questioning the motives of your gov’t is tantamount to dishonoring your own troops!

GW Bush
Stephen Harper
Klingon High Commission

[quote=“herbie_popnecker”]MiG is propogating Liberal revisionism. The truth is the is that only ‘lost’ in Vietnam because they were betrayed at home by leftist traitors who prevented them from overrunning Hanoi, Laos and Cambodia.
If they truly ‘supported the troops’ and let them start WW3 they would have WON. In Vietnam at least…
That is why questioning the motives of your gov’t is tantamount to dishonoring your own troops!

GW Bush
Stephen Harper
Klingon High Commission[/quote]

god damn those liberals, lets just nuke all non white christian countries and be done with it. :unamused:

No wonder they call it “funny money”

Ya never know what the heck you’re getting as a coin these days. If they didn’t cost a buck to make, counterfieters could put out coins with whatever the hell they wanted on them and people would still use them.
Next thing they’ll think of is selling advertising space on our coinage!