Good Ideas

This is the thread, where we post up ideas, policies, concepts, whatever you got, that will work to make the world a better place. They dont have to be yours, but by all means if you got a good one, feel free to share it.

First up:
Solar Towers

Basically, its a vast chimney that is fed by heated air rising off the ground underneath a glass shell, the rising air turns turbines at the base of the chimney neck.
It’s freakin huge, the glass collection shell is to be about 100 square km, and the chimney 1km tall.

some more links:,1282,54917,00.html?tw=wn_story_page_prev2,1282,66694,00.html?tw=wn_3techhead

Here are some helpful hints for survival of today

face the pain, the messenger, the guide…
Stop taking poison to numb the senses…
Look into the dark places that makes your soul cringe…
eat safe food for high energy and better perception…
True Organics are the only safe food left…
Watch out for manipulated foods who knows…
leave the wasteful goods of man to the wasteful ones…
don’t spend $$$ on bad companies, they all play ball together…
Watch out for your news because they lie…
relearn HISTORY…
don’t litter, recycle…
Most governments do what it takes for Their security…
The Land is your true freedom…
Honor it…
you r it…
That is POWER…

I squished a bug some time ago,
The brick I used was heavy.
It left a pattern on the floor,
Which mightily amused me.

I like squishing things, but I don’t think they like to be squished. So I feel it is better to be the squisher than the squishee.

Free post secondary!

Tax the rich people.

no more lord Zed movie thingys.

hackingthemainframe spell check