Gay Simpsons Character

If she was gay, she wouldn’t want to suck any cock. So it makes perfect sense.

You are right WonderMike, she would be a former cocksucker.
Hey, this is getting wierd, making my mind wierd. :unamused:

No she wouldn’t, because like you said before, she is to young to suck any cock. Sucking cock would be something she would never experience.

But Maggie is probably too young to decide her sexual prefrence, so I think its still up in the air.

If anyone recalls the episode where it is in the future, Maggie is dressed in the punk/rebel outfit. This may be a sign she has angst for society and it’s norms. So yes, she is a possibility in the future.

Its a new record!

The topic to have the words cock and suck used the most.

Shut up, c__k s_ck_r

Anyone up for some hangman?

Give us a hint.

Is it “cork sacker”? Like the guy who takes some sacks, then fills them with some corks.

Could be a cock sucker… Like one of them bandits that run into pens and grab cocks (not hens) and suck on them.

An’ I’ll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!

Its cooksocker.

You know when cooks play soccer.

Uhm, socker isn’t soccer. Idiot.


Nomadic man.

Oh… well… carry on.

Sounds the same.

Sock-er thus the miss spelled word soccer.

Man… way to hate the noobs there guys.

For a Mavis Beacon Lover, his spelling sure is shit.

[quote=“Nomadic man”]Sounds the same.

Sock-er thus the miss spelled word soccer.

Man… way to hate the noobs there guys.[/quote]

I don’t hate the noobs. I just hate you.

Actually, I don’t hate anyone, really.

I’ve been hating the white man for 14 years.