For the love of god, stop it hoshq


Something went wrong with my msn. So I’m quiting. Going to bed.

Fun while it lasted. Should have done another sentence.

Indeed, who’d think “Pink Dildo Sword” would be such a good conversation killer.


Amazing, a thread 44 posts in length, inspired by me, written entirely after I’ve gone to bed.



Amazing, a thread 44 posts in length, inspired by me, written entirely after I’ve gone to bed.[/quote]

You’re so vain, you probably think this thread is about you!

Who else could “pink dildo sword” be referring to?



Well eso. How do you think they make them longer.

again I have no understanding of the content in this thread.

I bet that has a lot to do with this thread having no content.


Mystery meat by any other name …

This should also be eaten with a spork.

What’s better, spork or spam?

Mystery meat is all the same. Here’s one for hoshq:

SPEW - that’s what we called everything canned mixed together in one pot on the campfire. It’s usually what happenned too.