Facebook--- Fun, Friendship and Fraud monitoring

The next time somebody tries to poke you on Facebook or asks to be your friend, think twice about it all, for it just may be an inspector from the Provincial Government looking to see if you’re engaged in less than honest pursuits if you’re on a welfare claim.

The Tyee on line news site has reported on a message that advocates for those on welfare and unemployment have distributed through their network, which says that the province’s fraud inspectors are researching social networking sites such as Facebook and My Space.

The inspectors are seeking out details such as if you’re co-habitating with someone you have not disclosed, or if you may have picked up a second job that you’ve neglected to list for government officials.

( from  the blog a town called podunk,  click on the link below to see the entire article  atowncalledpodunk.blogspot.com/2 … 5073  ) –

Meh, I facebook people before bringing them in for interviews. Gives you a good idea of what they are all about.

I’m about two feet away from just deleting my Facebook account altogether.  I liked it at first because it let me get in touch with people I haven’t seen in years.  Unfortunately, it jumped the shark a long time ago.  I barely even talk to half the people on my list, and all I ever seem to get from anyone nowadays are those stupid chain messages with trite little stories that want me to forward it on to everyone on my list so I can receive good luck.  Complete waste of time and bandwidth.

I hear ya, I have mine for family and friends and that’s it, I delete all those join this club add this application, I upload video and pictures say hi to people once in a blue moon; no hard feelings Stardog… been awhile since i dropped by and said hello, I check out your photos all the time, as i love the Japanese culture.   

I log on to Facebook about once every two weeks, delete all of the superpoke, ninjas vs. pirates, and texas hold’em “invitations”, accept a bunch of new contacts, and then logout.

I play scrabble and tag pictures of Eso.

I like Facebook because it got me in touch with a lot of old friends :smile:
It’s neat to see how they’ve changed and what they’re doing now.


And then this happens:


If you go on Facebook twice a day… the applications won’t swamp you.


Oh and Bebo is a better place at checking out potential job candidates… there’s waaaay more crap on there than on Facebook so far.  It’s much easier to see the drunken/drugginess the kids got up to the night before on their Bebo pages, as you don’t have to be their friend to see most of their profiles. :smiley:

touche. I deleted my bebo account  because I was sick of seeing all the internet tough guys (east vs west and crap like that) and the drunk and drugged people :frowning: