DaVinci Code

Finally was in stock, and I had a dead evening to watch this one. I refused to see it in the theatres. Here goes>

  You know how you often hear people say a movie wasn’t as good as the book. Well you can add The DaVinci Code to that list. The part that’s really sad is that the book was barely a notch above Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys to begin with, and even Tom Hanks couldn’t save that.
  Hanks delivers a golem-like performance worthy of any teevee episode hodge-podge of Criminal Minds-Numbers. Hell, the geeks on Numbers are at least semi-interesting. Who was the co-star? That’s how forgettable she was. There is better character development in some of the Zombies in a Romero film.
  The specious historical crap was whipped past the viewer at such a pace, you had no time to go “Huh, WTF?” like if you’d read the book.
After watching it, I would happily trade in the ‘Knights Of’ for and old black and white episode of Simon Templar any day.

ya the critics said Tom Hanks acting was shit, and that all his dieting from doing different movies has taken its toll on his body.
So not only his acting was like shit he looked like shit. but I liked the movie.

Even with his best acting performace, Tom Hanks was just simply not the right person to cast in this movie. I keep thinking Nicolas Cage coulda pulled if off better, even though the writing was aweful to begin with… the movie had potential, it had a great plot just poorly put together.