Daily news to the editor:

did anybody catch the article in mondays paper? chss’ head coach talking about how most of the players that originally went to chss ended up transfering over to prss, then mentioned that it has gotten to a point where the adults should step in to prevent students from transfering because its not so fair. ben pyde didnt say directly that prss is recruiting players, but he did indicate it.  was there a need to write the article since its just a game? i know charles hays has an up and coming system, just last night the seniors lost to the prss seniors by 5 or 6 while their team consists of mainly all grade 11’s. i know there are a lot of upset people at prss(teachers, students, former students who moved in from a local village to finish of their high school education and parents)

i have been to both schools and  i can tell you that i was worked harder in the training they utilize for pre-season conditioning as opposed to chss two day a week running which was optional so nobody showed up, while at prss it required you to run five times a week for five weeks before the actual try outs started.

this is getting kind of annoying for both sides of the schools and i just want to know whats your guys’ point of view on this situation?

Charles Hays is a high school, that also happens to have a basketball team.

PRSS is a basketball team, that also happens to have a high school.

LOL, very good! Bulletin Board material for somebody!