Daily News enters the New Year embracing change

The days of newspaper carries having to collect change from Daily News subscribers is about to come to end, while home delivery will continue, as of February 1st, payment now will be handled through the office as subscribers move to a pre paid system.

Just one of a few changes to come for 100 year old paper on the North Coast, also on the way will be coin boxes set up around the city so you can grab a daily whether it’s 4 in the afternoon, or 4 in the morning.

( from  the blog a town called podunk,  click on the link below to see the entire article atowncalledpodunk.blogspot.com/2 … 2998347526
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This will make it much easier for me to steal the newspaper from my neighbour’s mailbox.

Wow. That’s a huge development - certainly befitting the masturbatory page one story touting it!

How can we get them to stop delivering the newspaper to our house for free?[/quote]

Report them for littering.

Could always offer to proof read or provide spell check services for them, that might scare them off!