Community Support?

I would like some input on a possible “new” venture. I had an idea that later in the year,if we decide to stay in Rupert, I would open a thrift store with a percentage of the sale of donations distributed between the SPCA and the Wildlife Shelter. I have had many folks approach me and suggest this as they do not, for their own reasons, support our current thrift store. Would this be a viable venture on a smaller scale? Are there enough folks in town to support it? I used to do the SPCA garage sales and loved it, we had great support and there are people who are already interested in volunteering for me. Any input/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everybody !!

I would split my donations between the 2 thrift shops. I’d maybe even volunteer.

Why would you not donate to the animal shelter and the SPCA ? They are both very good causes , the work and money that it takes to provide such a wonderful project such as the Animal Shelter and the SPCA . The animal world could be happy and the folk may not complain about the prices .

Well, thank you for the input and the volunteer offer! It would seem, possibly, by the lack of input here that it may not be a viable idea. There are so few people here, hard to support more than one I suppose and many donate to the free store instead of SA also. I had forgotten about that one. Thanks though !!

It’s an admirable idea but not one that I think would be successful. Small businesses in this town seem to have enough trouble generating enough revenue or profit just to stay open, but if you plan on giving a good portion of that to charity then perhaps then chances of being successful are reduced. Not for profit maybe but if you’re planning on making a living doing this then you’d probably lose your shirt. Just my opinion.

Crazy Train , I do agree with your input as well with some of your Opinion , this format is working in other communities and it is benificial to the projects which cater to the animals . I look at The Starvation Army Thrift Store and I listen to many people who go there , I hear the complaining of price increases and the moral of some of the workers. They have a fairly big paid staff with nice hourly wages . The concept of having a thrift store has just about lost its purpose. I will say and I know that I shall be looked down upon , but I am used to this for trying to speak the truth . They also have lost touch with why they put those outfits ( uniforms ) on .

I can’t comment on the Sally Ann or how they conduct their business because I just don’t know anything about their operations. My point though is that it’s tough to make a decent profit in small business - enough to make a living and put food on the table. If the plan is to give away some of that profit when there is overhead such as rent, staffing costs, etc then it could be a tough go. It might work if the sole purpose of the store is to give away all of the profit bit if its an income provider then I’d bet against it working.

Do the proceeds of the Salvation Army Thrift Store go to the food bank?

LOL, ah yes a new year a new stream of complaints by you about the Salvation Army operations in town.

Guess we know what wasn’t one of your resolutions.

Seems to me that the good that they do in the community might outweigh some of the bad that you have a thought or two on and while there is always a need for oversight and all of that, frankly, I think the work they do here is worthwhile and beneficial.

When it comes to waste and losing touch and such, I can think of many other groups, organizations and individuals that perhaps fit that category more correctly.

As to MeepMeepZoom’s question " Does some monies go to the food bank ? " The answer is yes but what percentage , I have no idea . Yet it is a program which is abused by many individuals who make good money , some at the port and some who just figure it is a freebie so why not .
As to Smurfette’s question or comment , the good it does in the community ? That would be up to you or other individuals to figure out or to seriously look at . I have seen many Real Good People from this community that have been destroyed and some very good people who are Wonderful Christians who chose to walk away .
And , yes there are other organizations in this community who I believe have lost touch and still build their empires .

[quote=“Justin Case”]As to MeepMeepZoom’s question " Does some monies go to the food bank ? " The answer is yes but what percentage , I have no idea . Yet it is a program which is abused by many individuals who make good money , some at the port and some who just figure it is a freebie so why not .
As to Smurfette’s question or comment , the good it does in the community ? That would be up to you or other individuals to figure out or to seriously look at . I have seen many Real Good People from this community that have been destroyed and some very good people who are Wonderful Christians who chose to walk away .
And , yes there are other organizations in this community who I believe have lost touch and still build their empires .[/quote]

I believe and correct me if I’m wrong, but does the Salvation Army not provide meals in the AM for people, offer a back to school program and other valuable services to the community. I don’t see any current government agencies or local community leaders stepping up to provide those things, so while I’m sure like any large organization they have any number of issues, the good that they do here probably is something to keep in mind.

Of course if you have evidence of any multitudes of wrongdoing by them, please illuminate us, otherwise we can only surmise that it was axe sharpening time around the house today.

I have never heard of the school meals and as for breakfast the are open for toast , maybe other forms of bread products. Lunch is soup and some other bread product . I maybe wrong but its a pretty close call . As for shapening my axe which I do not have , no its not that . I have seen too much and heard too much but everyone is afraid to speak up . If your interested in more then you may message me . In reality I am a very calm and caring person , you may question this but I really am but I just do not sitback and play dead.

Cody Bear your heart is in the right place wanting to open a thrift store, but like others I think you would loose your shirt…
The countless costs of operating a business would make it very tough to also draw a wage for yourself from it…
RE: Sally Ann
Sally Ann does provide coffee and toast, donated baked goods in the morning and a soup and bread at lunch time…
They do not to my knowlege provide a meal program for our public schools, as the school district gets provincal grants to run meal programs.
The friendship house might offer some sort of breakfast and/ or other meal program, I am not sure…
I am hearing a lot of rumours about the problems at the Sally Ann, however their work speaks for it’s self… Every organization large or small, non profit, government run or private business has it’s polotics. I am glad and others might argue that in the thrift store they are paying a decent wage for work that is done… This unfortunately does add to the cost of the donated goods handling thus higher prices…

[quote=“jamesbrown”]Cody Bear your heart is in the right place wanting to open a thrift store, but like others I think you would loose your shirt…
The countless costs of operating a business would make it very tough to also draw a wage for yourself from it…
RE: Sally Ann
Sally Ann does provide coffee and toast, donated baked goods in the morning and a soup and bread at lunch time…
They do not to my knowlege provide a meal program for our public schools, as the school district gets provincal grants to run meal programs.
The friendship house might offer some sort of breakfast and/ or other meal program, I am not sure…
I am hearing a lot of rumours about the problems at the Sally Ann, however their work speaks for it’s self… Every organization large or small, non profit, government run or private business has it’s polotics. I am glad and others might argue that in the thrift store they are paying a decent wage for work that is done… This unfortunately does add to the cost of the donated goods handling thus higher prices…[/quote]

I appreciate your comments and I know you are right! I suppose I thought if I were affiliated with the BCSPCA that possibly there might be some kind of an incentive program to assist in opening a thrift store as they do operate a few in the Lower Mainland. I have contacted them though to check out the process as that can’t hurt and am hoping to speak with our manager here at a later time. RE: SA As I am presently employed by SA, no matter what, I will keep my opinions to myself. They do offer a breakfast Mon.-Sat. and lunch during the week. They do not help with meals for schools and the Friendship House does offer various programs as do other churches in town. There isn’t any reason that anyone should go hungry in this town, for sure. Thank you everyone for your comments, lots to think about !

Comment about back to school, was more along the lines of the knapsack program, where they stuff knapsacks with back to school items and such, never said that they offered a school food program, that would be redundant as outlined above, the SD has its own program in place for that,

Still, do they not provide emergency shelter services? The morning food program? The above school program? Three important facets of their service to the community.

Were they not to provide that, who exactly would be stepping up? I don’t see many local resources in place for that.

Whatever faults people may have with their message or those that currently may be in charge, the larger issue of providing to those in need shouldn’t get lost in the commentary of those that perhaps don’t count themselves in among the fan club.

Great idea! I’m looking for a twin bed right now…know where I can get one second hand?

Try looking in the For Sale section, there’s one listed right below this post.