Chicago expansion project would greatly benefit Rupert

One of the main selling-points for the Prince Rupert port is the railway connection running between the terminal down to Chicago and all the different markets that can be found in the mid-west United States. … 08558.html

Well with the US Economy tinkering on the abyss at the moment (anytime Canada creates more jobs than the US, 28,000 in June here, to 18,000 there, one would think there’s a wee problem) I would hold off on popping the champagne corks just yet. … 1hase.html

Should their Economy continue to struggle and indeed get worse, I can’t say as I see a surge in imports from China in the near term.

It might take a bit of “long long term planning” to come ashore before the boom arrives here.

Geez, did Ajaye leave the employ of the city and take on editorial duties with the wide range of media options in the city?