Bush and USA

man, even tactically, on the ground, the us is totally fucked in iraq.

they are basically using marines, to guard convoys getting the supplies out to other marines, who are guarding the supplies back to the first group of marines, and somewhere in the mix are the iraqi forces who are ostensibly getting trained… trained in what??? a military/security force for the new iraqi governmetn (wont get into that). seems to me that everyone in the entire fucking region has already learned to field strip a kalashnikov by the time they are 7.

so if they know how to shoot, they now need to be aimed, but wait, there isnt a coherent ‘iraqi’ government or EVEN IDENTITY to tell them who to shoot at. so it breaks down on the lines of sunni / shia / possibly al qaeda shit disturbers leading in their own interest. sweet.

get the fuck out. no more ‘you broke it, you bought it’.

i also read somewhere that nearly 30 billion dollars worth of projects has been started, but none can give a report as to their progress, gaaah.

they couldve thrown a fuckin killer party for that much dough.

Who says they knew? They probably didn’t know anything except that crashing the planes into the building was going to kill a lot of people and make a spectacular mess. Bringing the whole damn thing down - bonus!

It was also Al-Qaeda’s second attempt at blowing up the towers. They tried in 1993, and caused a lot of damage, but the towers didn’t collapse.

see the american goverment new something was going to happen as it has been documented that Other countries warned the usa of a possible attack and that planes might be used.
In a documentary I watched. A week before the planes crached in the buildings there was a plane that went off course and all planes were grounded and attack planes were scrambled to assist all this in a matter of minutes.
Now on Sept 11, they say there was a break down of communication that’s bull shit. Have you seen the flight paths of those planes they were so out of whack, planes going in the opposite direction not communicating with ground control, these planes were in the air up to an hr, and no fighter jets were scrambled, not even when the second plane hit the tower. You don’t need to be a conspiracy nut too see that the USA wanted this to happen, I bet that Osama is sitting in some exotic location laughing at us……or them the Americans

simply because we dont torture doesnt mean people arent being tortured because of us…The government sends them to countries where it is legal and they do it for us