Antidepressent side effects and withdrawl!

Perhaps you have never heard of endocannabinoids, naturally made cannabinoids in the human body.

While I agree with you concerning using the results of rat experiments, most of the study result condemning cannabis have been done the same way. There is absolutely no proof that cannabis causes cancer. There is, however, very good proof that it doesn’t. Check for Dr. Donald Tashkin on youTube.

I am also concerned that in this study they used synthetic cannabis instead of the real thing. While I don’t think it’s that big a deal, one must alway check the parametres of any study. And I do.

I smoke every day, and have done so for almost 40 years. Within the last 2 years I have had a stress test and my lung function is far better than most people my age. And no, I don’t smoke tobacco.

If there were any definitive proof that cannabis is harmful, I haven’t seen it.

Oh, for crying out loud. I was only kidding around with the rotting the brain/poisoning the body remark. I was thinking more about the proverbial pot head who sits around a smoke-filled room getting stoned all day and not doing anything with his life. If you are going to start talking about using cannabinoid drugs and Cannabis for treating chronic pain, particularly neurogenic pain, or the nausea and vomiting associated with cancer treatments then we’re not talking about the same thing.

My 85-year-old great-grandmother has smoked filter-less cigarettes for 70 years and her lung capacity is fine too. A great grandfather lived to a ripe old age drinking 2 liters of whiskey every day. I wouldn’t, however, recommend my children take up smoking and drinking because of it.

Gotta find that “just kidding” or “tongue-in-cheek” smilie … must be around here somewhere.

Curiously there are a number of studies suggesting cannabis is helpful for those who have asthma. While it seems counter-intuitive, one of the effects of cannabis is to open up the alveoli in the lungs. This effect is why those who smoke both tobacco and cannabis are at extremely higher risk for lung cancers.

Cannabis does have anti-inflammatory properties, you’re right. So a person suffering with arthritis might find marijuana helpful as well. There is also some evidence to suggest it works better than narcotics for alleviating chronic nerve pain resulting from spinal cord injuries.

I can’t believe I overlooked the ultimate cyber-qualifier: The emoticon. Thanks Soggy!  :wink: