Antidepressent side effects and withdrawl!

Sounds like a blanket statement where’s your referance for this please.

If all the kids were on them I suspect the meds weren’t working and the doctor should have made adjustments to the prescription when there wasn’t a change in the persons emotional well beinging  People that go murdering folks en mass tend to have emotional problems wouldn’t you agree?

I don’t imagine being on meds pushed them over, they would have had issues to be on them in the first place wouldn’t you agree?

In some cases anti depresents may cause a person to have suicidal thoughts but I’m sure there’s been hundreds of others who have been steered away from these thoughts due to their chemical unbalances being corrected.

These are just my opinions.

ogre1  just google “school shootings, antidepressents” and you will see for yourself.  Not one shooting  has the shooter not taken antidepressents recently or still using them, in recent years anyways(10 years or so).  Yes these kids had issues or I am sure they wouldn’t have been put on drugs.  I have throughout the year read, watched, and seen first hand how these drugs are “pushing” people over the edge.

ogre1 I would like you to show me your referances on how they prove there is a chemical imbalance in the brain requiring these drugs.

[quote]Depression’s Chemical Imbalance Explained
By: Psych Central Senior News Editor
    on Thursday, Nov, 9, 2006

Reviewed by: John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
    on November 10, 2006 at 1:27 pm

For over three decades, scientists have attributed a chemical imbalance in the brain as the source of major depression. Now, a new study provides an explanation of how this “chemical imbalanceâ€[/quote]

Thanks for that reference Astro.

It’s been almost a month now since I’ve been off Effexor. The side effects are just what has been reported by others here. They are brutal at times. I did the ramp down to the smallest amount, however I think the doctors should recommend coming off at a slower rate – not at one week increments.

I now realize that while I might have appeared quite normal and “happy” on the outside, my emotions were totally flat. One of the side effects of coming off effexor can be wild mood swings – it’s an effort to not burst out crying at times. For a big strong guy like me that’s a definite no-no. The ribbing might be just the thing to send me spiralling down into depression again.

This is my second time on an antidepressant. The first time was after my first marriage ended, 10 years or more. I didn’t feel depressed, but I was drinking quite a bit and was quite solitary. It wasn’t until I’d taken to drawing the blinds and not answering the phone, and avoiding people whenever possible when I finally realized that action was necessary.

Astro’s insightful remark “you’re so deep in the hole you can’t see light” explains it as well as any words can. The only component of that remark that most who haven’t been through it won’t get is the utter hopelessness one feels.

I now have hope and happiness, and maybe I won’t get kicked into another depression now that I’m off the antidepressants because, if there’s a next the doctors keep telling me I’ll have to go on them for life.

I guess I don’t have to listen … ?

Thank you astrothug for the link.  If brain scans where performed on patients before during and after med use then the docs could monitor a patients progress, unfortunatley they don’t.  I asked many docs if there were tests they could do to find out where my friends chemical levels where and they all told me there wasn’t! 

Soggy I am glad you are feeling better.  When my friend was in the depth of her “withdrawl” if she had won a million dollars it would not have put a smile on her face, she would have been totally indifferent to it. 

I haven’t tried the lights or tanning but I notice a good feeling with the use of Vitamin B supplements. b12 is good.

I know people who use the lights, and they seem to like them, I’m so thankful that I have never been that depressed, I think the only time I was sad for a period of time was on my fathers 5 year passing, when My mother passed away, I was good and at terms with it, but that’s because of my spiritual awaking I have gone threw over the last 15 years.

A doobie a day keeps the depression away…

seriously, I’d rather smoke a plant that mother nature (or God if you prefer) put here for everyone, than to pop some pills some crook doctor made in some lab.

side effect of weed: munchies, and maybe a little cotton-mouth.

For those not into “illegal” drugs, some depression is a result of chemical imbalance in the brain, low levels of serotonin. serotonin effects your mood.

5-HTP is a natural supplement that increases the serotonin levels in the brain. i use em for those depressing e hangovers, but im sure sad people benefit from this as well.

Oh and

[quote=“Charles_T”]Why would anybody (especially teens) be depressed in the first place?

Life is awesome![/quote]

This. Quoted For Truth.

If I feel low, I like to hang out with my friends and have a few malt beverages.  European beer also has all natural ingredients:-)
Clinical depression is a mental illness and it requires prompt attention from a qualified therapist, preferably a psychiatrist.  It is unfortunate that we do not have psychiatrist stationed here in town. 

Yes very unfortunate and trying to get help out of town can take weeks or even months and then to get the close follow up care is just as long.  The whole health care system is under strain.  I am not running the individual’s down that are working in the system, I know they are doing the best they can with what they have. 

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ( version 4) is the current manual used by the American Psychiatric Association to classify mental disorders:  Here’s a quote from this link:

**The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition), always referred to as DSM-IV, is used for the diagnosis of depression.  It is produced by the American Psychiatric Association and is the product of a number of groups whose aim is to draw on the widest pool of information relating to mental health (p. 17).  The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Episode is: 

At least five of the following symptoms have been present during the same two-week period and represent a change from previous functioning. 

1.  depressed mood 

2.  diminished interest or pleasure in activities 

3.  significant appetite/weight loss or gain 

4.  insomnia or hypersomnia 

5.  feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt 

6.  diminished ability to think or concentrate 

7.  recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Depression can affect anyone, and most people diagnosed with depression are successfully treated.  Major depression can occur from a single psychological trauma, or from many problems or disappointments in a person’s life. Some people will have only one depressive episode, while others will experience many episodes throughout their lives. **

A very well written book on Suicide, written by Kay Redfield Jamison Ph. D. (who also has Bi-polar disorder) Night Falls Fast.  It’s in the PR public library. 

I have been doing that for ten years, and here I thought I just didnt like people and that there is too much friggin glare from the window.

One of the real problems with mental illnesses is the stigma attached to them by society.  When a person is suffering with a mental illness they can be completely incapacitated even if there are no directly observable physical symptoms.  If a person breaks their leg no one gives it a second thought and everyone understands that they need to remain away from work for several weeks.
A mental illness like depression can be just as disabling as an injury.

Excellent post!! It is hard to understand how disabling depression is unless you have been there yourself.  Loved ones and co-workers etc.  often get frustrated and distant themselves, which only compounds the problems for the person suffering. 

as someone who has suffered from depression in the past, I can relate to much of what is being discussed here.  Furthermore, I have both an academic background in psychology relating to drugs and behaviour, providing me with experience in pharmacokinetics as well as a political science background which has left me with an infinite desire to question power.

Strangely, despite intensive research on depression (not to mention other psychological disorders), not much is known about the nature of the human brain, or the causes of our emotions.  Importantly, much in psychology is correlation, not causation.  While studies have linked depression to abnormal levels of monoamine neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, the exact science behind it is not clear.  It is also not just a simple explanation of low levels.  For years drug companies have sold low levels of monoamines as a simple explanation for a complex problem; it’s easy to understand: you do not have a serious problem, your serotonin levels are low is all…we’ll just boost them back up and things will be ok…this is a theory, that although inherently wrong, seems to make sense.

Funnily enough, manipulating the re-uptake of other monamine neurotransmitters seem to have similar effects.  For example, one of the first antidepressants, iprozinaid, a MAOI, (MonoAmineOxidaze Inihibtor), affected all of the major monoamines, dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine (as did all the MAOIs).  Interestingly, iproniazid, was originally designed as a drug for TB, but it was noticed that it made patients surprisingly happy.  Now, while SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inihbitors) like paxil, prozac, wellbutrin etc, now the most commonly used antidepressants, were supposed to be “cleaner” than the MAOIs, being “selective”, and they did seem to be effective, nobody was quite sure why.  Yes, serotonin levels seemed low in depression, and raising them seemed to correlate with feelings of happiness…but is/was it causation?  Oddly enough, now increasingly popular are SNRIs (Serotonin-Norephinephrine Reuptake Inihibtors), a combination seemingly “dirtier” than the SSRIs in that two monoamine neurotransmitters are affected…a seeming step backward to a more MAOI like drug but, surprisingly perhaps more effective

On a more personal note, I have long in the past had experiences using an SSRI, paxil.  Initially I felt paxil produced a significant improvement in my world outlook.  However, as I continued treatment over the span of a month, I began to feel agitated constantly; I had this sense of nervous energy that I could not expend.  I have since discovered in trials paxil, and other SSRIs have been attributed to a feeling of “activation;” a sensation that many patients found disturbing.  Indeed, many SSRIs have actually been linked to a higher levels of aggression and violence against oneself and others.

If anyone wants further information an excellent book is Let them Eat Prozac by David Healy, a professor at the U of T…Healy was infamously fired by the U of T when he first spoke out against prozac, Eli Lilly being a major sponsor of research at the UofT.  Healy was later re-hired after outspoken criticism of the university’s actions was voiced by the Canadian Association of University Teachers.

Leftofcentre excellent post.  David Healy is an excellent name to goolge for further information.  I watched a documentry with him and he does state there are a few people, very small percentage, that can benifit from these drugs. 


Drug makers claim that antidepressants are not “habit formingâ€

I took Effexor for a year ending a year ago, the withdrawl from them was brutal I felt like I was going to go out of my mind along with  bizarre electric shock type of feelings for the first month or so… the bullshit is the doctors dont tell you when they put you onto that crap that eventually thats whats going to happen to you…[/quote]

Hear! Hear!
I did the Effexor thing for 9 months. I used that time to learn some other coping skills that were simply beyond me when I was in - what I called - my Pit of Despair. But, ya, even with tapering off, the side effects were horrid - none of which I had been prepared for by my doctor. I looked it up on line and found the withdrawl symptoms had to be listed in alphabetical order …from anxiety through to vomiting.

Maybe he thought I was just going to stay on them forever and never need to know about withdrawl.

It was interesting though, how many people I knew were also taking anti-depressants. A very common comment I heard was “YOU? Depressed? But you are so outgoing! I never would have guessed”

Could this be a part of the problem? We all expect ourselves, our families, our coworkers, etc to be happy all the time. We squirm when faced with someone processing what we call “negative” emotions. I have heard depression described as repressed emotion.

In the words of one song writer “Anymore pent up emotion and I think I’m gonna explode!”