And by their business cards we shall know them!

Well someone has a pretty healthy self image of himself … le2185969/

Wonder if he takes as many free flights as Billy Bishop McKay?

And while we give some thought to Mr. Bairds’, gold embossed business cards, there’s more indication that a new session of Parliament won’t necessarily mean that the level of debate is going to reach new heights, once again, when in the sandbox toss some sand? … le2186393/

So ridiculous

He’s a joke…let’s see how much tax payers money we can spend, we have a majority so we don’t have to be held accountable for our actions. Just like Tony Clement and the money that went to his riding.

no longer says Canada on his card , have to call the government The Harper Government, not government of Canada, whohoooooooo we are no longer part of canada hehe