Ambulance on 3rd Ave tonight

I beg to differ on that last post. It has been brought forward in the local rag how manytimes now and the agencies and ministries do no seem to care of what is going on in town. The streets are getting worse the dealers are more then ever,every time the outreach worker brings the issues up he is becoming very well known to the dealers and is put at risk cause he cares.

you have valid points… also counselling considering some people’s way of life is unrealistic…
working in this enviroment I see the affects of long term poverty and various types of abuse as well as health challenges every day… 
The inlander is terrible and whether people seek help or not I wish there could be something better for them…  They are human beings who suffer in a way that most of us cannot comprehend… 

For your information I am part of the solution. You don’t know anything about me.   At least I’m offering up what I feel needs to be done. All that you’re doing is criticizing it.  Do you think that these people should continue as status quo or should they be counselled on how to become self sufficient and positive contributors to society?

I was responding to the concerns that other have about the ability of the tenants at the Inlander being able to find suitable housing if they had to move.  At some point the responsibility for the welfare of these people has to become their own.  Many of them are in the situation that they are in because of their own life choices and in order to reverse that they may need counselling.  Still think that I offer no solution?  I’m interested in hearing yours. Come on,  I know that you have offered a viable solution to every problem you’ve discussed on HTMF.

I would say that you put someone in the same setting they live in who is willing to do some form of outreach, that person would setup shop right in or near the building and make himself or herself available to try and help them with their substance abuse problems, there life skills. Beat the street kind of schooling where they learn the in and outs of budgeting, grocery shopping etc. That is a start//////

Sounds good to me.  There are various locations in town where similar problems exist.  Do you recommend putting one of these people in many of these same spots?

It can be done and I know this for a fact, been there done that for many many years lack of funding stopped it but still giving it my best.