Ajaye praises Herb Pond

It makes you a big family man! Boyo!

Someone please kill this post as the lastest comments have nothing to do with Watson Island. Has anyone read the Daliy News about Watson Island? Has anyone have and intellgence response?? Looks like I need to renew my subscripiton to the Daily News.

…or just cut it out and start anew.

one story a year isn’t really worth your investment, may as well hang around Tim Horton’s get the same info and a coffee for your troubles

Looking for an informed opinion.

Looking in the wrong place then if you’re heading to the news stand

this is my own personal feeling.

Wow did I ever hit nerve. No this is not George but your responses are interesting if not slightly parinoid.

Goodbye. This is not a worth place to spend my time.

Sorry George you’ll be blame again by the narrow minded.

Geez you gave up on the place after but ten posts?  Cmon’ back, we hardly know you yet.