91 cents a litre


but what about going back home?[/quote]

who wants to start up a shopping cart rickshaw business??

a set of disc brakes, some sort of steering mechanism, and i could pilot it down hills, and push going up…we could even make the steering and braking apparatus removable and ditch the carts at their lowest potential energy level if need be, let safeway go pick 'em up.

eww subway is grosss…

Don’t be retarded… Subway is the ONLY good place to eat in town.

^^ eww no its not… i hate it when u come out of subway and u smell like it sooo nasty /me barfs

haha it’s better than coming out of McDonalds 10 pounds heavier and having lost the use of 3 arteries.

^^ hahaha ewww… but the ice cream is good…

If you can call it “Ice Cream”.


its still good…

Ahhhhh,  .91 cent a ltr.  The good old days,  I wish.

I like ESo’s comment,  I bet hes eating those words now.

or this guy…

Awesome!  I think this is the reason I don’t “auto-prune” old threads.

This one even has the mysterious hoshq in it.

At 143.3…I’ll be walkin’…it will help shed those baby pounds too.  :smiley:

Everyone’s still whining as far as I can see. Chevron’s full of laid off mill guys 25-35 pumping their SuperDutys and squealing rubber on EI.
I only see the older guys walking or driving the wifey’s little putt-putt.

I’m paying 30$ more a month then last year.  Its still no big deal.  One less case of beer a month. 

Im paying the equivalent of $3 a litre back home! Im tempted to return with my suitcases full of petrol… but apparently thats not allowed :frowning:


The work truck burned only $26 worth of propane in 9 days…