Our Doctor is leaving

Good luck with that dude, I’ve heard of The emergency room at the hospital closing at nights several times but now I’ve heard it’s closed today during the daytime. If anyone is in an emergency situatuation phone 911 for a ride to terrace ,where I’ve heard they’ve turned people away.

The answer? Northern health will hire more management.


Try what they do here: the Emergency isn’t closed! It’s on diversion! Wait for an ambulance to take you to Vanderhoof or Prince George and we can brag there were no ‘closures’…

Our new hospital is just about done, they’re hiring construction clean up crews now. All we need is staff. Heard of nurses brought here to check out the town and all the incentives included. They stay a day and say “Ewwww! No thanks.”

So last time I needed to get my prescription refilled my doctor was away in Namibia on vacation. That’s where he’s from and has been my doctor for almost 12 years. We’re friends I do lots of computer stuff for him and his wife, he even wanted to buy my little Kei truck for his farm, but I got a better offer.
So I saw another doctor at the Clinic who refilled my prescription and renewed my blood tests.

6 mos are up, went for the blood test and called to make an appt to renew the scrip as I knew waits were long and I only had a month’s meds on hand.
They told me my Doctor was on Vacation and wouldn’t be back for a month. I replied “What do you mean? His wife was just visiting me an hour ago!”
The doctor that did my last scrip is now my doctor.
So I went to the clinic to straighten things out. Not a chance, THE COMPUTER SAYS SO
Got so mad I asked ‘The computer TALKS to you?’ and got the usual brain dead bureaucrat reply one expects from a public employee, the computer SEZ they didn’t fuck up, they can’t fix it, they know of no one who can, it isn’t my job, nothing can be done, people don’t “fix” things, that’s the way it IS…
So they scheduled me an appointment 4 weeks later cuz the COMPUTER’S DOCTOR is the one who’s away on vacation all May.
Even though they know I’ve been seeing the same doctor over a decade, they know he exists as they got the two doctors vacations mixed up, they knew I was running low on meds and my normal doctor was in the clinic at that very time they booked me a month later with the one THE COMPUTER SEZ.

I had a convo with my pharmacist about my doctor leaving he told me as long as my doctor is still practicing in Canada he can renew my prescription, for one year as long as i ask my doctor before she leaves to prescribe a one year prescription instead of the usual 3 months for the same pills I have been taking for a decade

My doctor is leaving next month. He gave me a battery of tests to get an updated view of my health. I’m doing well. He also gave me a year of meds. I’ll miss him. He’s an excellent doctor.

As soon as I get my six month renewal from the Doctor I’m going to the receptionist to TRY to book a renewal appt before it runs out.